Monday, May 18, 2009


"The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." ~Lao Tzu

"Nothing shortens a journey so pleasantly as an account of misfortunes at which the hearer is permitted to laugh." ~Quentin Crisp

Just recently, I started studying animation with I'm currently enrolled in the Maya Springboard Course for Animators. I begin regular curriculum in June. I'm feeling all sorts of things about this whole adventure: excitement (to say the least), trepidation, guilt, elation, frustration, you name it. Some peers have said blogging during AM isn't a bad way to organize your thoughts, show off your work, and network with other animators. So -I thought- What the heck!

But I needed a focus. Showing off work is all well and good. Everyone wants to show off their best work. But what about their worst? Hmmm. There's possibilities there. So, I'm going to try to show off the work that has taught me the most: the failures. I think occassionally I'll show where those lessons have led, and post a success every now and again.

I have to thank my current mentor, Jeff Rapess for the name of this blog: he's been ill recently and his class (my class) dubbed it "the spline flu". I thought it was clever enough to use without attribution. But seriously, I can't remember who said it.

If I'm a success out of the gate, I'm sad to say that this blog will be lacking for content. I would lying if I said I wish that weren't the truth of things to come. But I know it won't work out exactly that way, so I'm sure I'll post my first "sick" animation soon.

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